Bollywood actor Fardeen Khan and his wife Natasha Madhwani become parents to a baby boy on August 11. The couple has named their baby Azarius Fardeen Khan.
Fardeen Khan posted a good news on his Twitter account saying, “We are overjoyed to announce the birth of our son Azarius Fardeen Khan who was born on the 11th of August 2017.”
We are overjoyed to announce the birth of our son Azarius Fardeen Khan who was born on the 11th of August 2017.
— Fardeen Feroz Khan (@FardeenFKhan) August 12, 2017
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And now the elated dad once again took to Twitter to share the first glimpse of his baby boy with his fans. The actor shrared the picture and captioned it as “Thank you for the congratulatory messages and wishes. Our best to all of you as well. Diani, Natasha & FK.”
Thank you for the congratulatory messages and wishes. Our best to all of you as well. ❤️Diani, Natasha & FK. pic.twitter.com/Xm5O2jHSZ7
— Fardeen Feroz Khan (@FardeenFKhan) August 13, 2017
In the picture, the doting dad is seen holding the infant in his arms and adoring him dearly.
This is second baby of Fardeen and Natasha. Earlier, the couple became proud parents of a baby girl, who has been named Diani Isabella Khan.
Fardeen is the son of late veteran actor Feroz Khan. He got married to Natasha, who is the daughter of veteran actress Mumtaz, in December 2005.