Earlier we told you that filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt received a death threat from an unidentified individual. He also threatened to kill his daughter Alia Bhatt and wife Soni Razdan, if the filmmaker failed to pay Rs 50 lakh.
Soon after the call, Mahesh filed an FIR with Juhu police, soon after which the case was then handed over to the Anti Extortion Cell for further investigation.
Now, if Mahesh Bhatt’s recent twitter posts are to be believed then he is a relieved man now as the caller has been arrested by the police.
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Sharing the news on social media he posted, “A bolt from the blue in the form of an extortion call & threat to my family was nipped in the bud by the MH & UP police in tandem.Gratitude!”
A bolt from the blue in the form of an extortion call & threat to my family was nipped in the bud by the MH & UP police in tandem.Gratitude!
— Mahesh Bhatt (@MaheshNBhatt) March 2, 2017
Few minutes later he posted, “All of us is better than one of us !!”
All of us is better than one of us !!
— Mahesh Bhatt (@MaheshNBhatt) March 2, 2017
According to SpotboyE the caller has been identified as Babu Srivastava and is currently under police custody.
This isn’t the first time something like this has happened with the Bhatt family. Two years ago, over 13 people belonging to a certain D gang had plotted to eliminate the family was arrested in November 2014.