Bani J posted a hot photo of her beau Yuvraj Thakur along with an adorable message

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‘Bigg Boss 10’ first runner-up Bani J won a lot of hearts after surviving inside the house. But after her stint got over in ‘Bigg Boss‘, there have been lot’s of rumours about her breaking up with beau Yuvraj Thakur.

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bani and yuvraj

When Yuvraj and Bani did not meet up for some time, the speculations grew stronger about their split but the couple shut those up soon.

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Few time back, Bani’s beau Yuvraj caught kissing her in a live chat and now Bani put an end to speculations by posting posted a super hot picture of Yuvraj with an adorable message. She captioned Yuvraj’s shirtless picture saying “#MCM #MCE He likes to believe in Nothing, little does he know he’s Everything.#theonlytimeivevercaredifitsMonday #ifonlyicouldhastagwhatireallywantedtohashtag #banifamwillunderstand #itsnotaboutbeingterritorial #butitis #LAWL #smokingisinjurioustohealth #BBJ #butwhydontyouwearthesepantsanymore #shoutouttothesepants #whydidthisphotoshoottakeplacewheniwasinthehouse #kbaiiii #thuthu”

Bani revealed about her relationship with Yuvraj inside the ‘Bigg Boss 10′. Even Yuvraj made it to public by posting a cryptic message for Bani while she was inside the house.


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