Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu who is known for his melodious voice has landed in a legal trouble as an FIR has been filed against the singer in Muzaffarpur district for singing till the late hours in the night.
According to reports, the singer was performing at a school on Monday night. The noise from the loudspeaker caused a lot of discomfort for the neighbouring residents and it was so loud that they couldn’t sleep all night.
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The FIR has also been filed against the organizer of the program, Ankit Kumar as well.
Kumar Sanu was one of the famous playback singers in 90s. He has given several hits like Dheere Dheere Se Meri Zindagi Mein Aana, Mera Dil Bhi Kitna Pagal Hai, Chura Ke Dil Mera, Ladki Badi Anjani Hai and many more.