Harshvardhan Kapoor, who debuted in Bollywood with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s ‘Mirzya,’ has signed his third movie. The actor who is currently busy shooting for Vikramditya Motwane’s ‘Bhavesh Joshi,’ will next be seen in gold medalist Abhinav Bindra’s biopic.
Last time when we asked Anil Kapoor if he will be playing the on-screen father of his son Harshvardhan Kapoor in the biopic of sports star Abhinav Bindra, the actor said, “It’s too early to talk about it. In today’s times, when you do a film there are too many layers and boxes to tick, the script, the studio, the budget… When these things come together then you have to prep for the film, work hard. Definitely, talks are on but it’s too early to talk about it.”
But now there is another exciting news that has come into limelight. On Tuesday, Harsh confirmed that his real-life dad is going to be his reel life dad as well.
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Harshavardhana shares a photo of his father and Abhinavwith his father, on Instagram account. He caption the picture as Going to be sharing screen space for the first time with my dad in my next movie #Bindra. I’m happy to be working with my dad, but also nervous because of his stature as an actor #MixedBagOfEmotions I look forward to learning from him and also making memories. This movie just got a whole lot more special #LetsDoThis @anilskapoor
Harshavardhan on Tuesday shared a photograph of Anil and Apjit (Abhinav’s father), where they are seen raising a toast. And the Mirzya actor revealed that his dad has already begun prepping up for the film.
Harshvardhan wrote, “The reel and real life dads met and raised a toast to the start of this amazing project! #LetsDoThis #ActorsLife.”
Abhinav won the country’s first individual gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The biopic is scheduled to go on floors by October and will reportedly focus on the relationship between Abhinav and his father.
It is for the first time that Harshvardhan and Anil will share screen space for a film. The biopic is set to hit the screens some time next year.