Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh began shooting for their forthcoming film Gully Boy on Sunday. And now we have something that will increase your curiosity. Recently, the two leading actors were snapped on the sets of their film.
Some of the recent pictures of them while shooting are breaking the internet.
In the pictures, Ranveer was seen clad in a grey shirt with blue denim jeans wearing a bag on his shoulder.
While, Alia’s character will leave you confused about her onscreen character. She was seen clad in a blue kurta with red churidar wearing a peach stole like an abaya.
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The duo were seen in their de-glam avatar.
It is Ranveer and Alia’s first film together.
Gully Boy is being directed by Zoya Akhtar and will be based on real-life stories of rap stars from the streets of Mumbai, Divine and Naezy.