The trailer of Vinod Kapri directorial Pihu is out and it will surely give you goosebumps. The trailer of the film revolves around a two-year-old running into dangerous situations at home with her mother lying unresponsive on the bed.
The trailer starts with two year old girl Pihu (Myra Vishwakarma) can be seen having fun at home watching TV, citing nursery rhyme “nani teri morni ko mor le gaye” and playing around carelessly. She ends up locking herself inside a fridge. She calls out for her mother and father. Moments later she gets out and approached mom’s room where she finds her lying unconscious in bed. She tries hard to get up mother, but she was unresponsive.
The most shocking moment however was when Pihu tries to climb the balcony of her high rise building after her doll fall from her arms.
The film is based on true events and warns us with a tagline which reads, “Every parent’s nightmare”.
Directed by Vinod Kapri, the film will release on November 16, 2018.
Watch the trailer here: