After slammed for getting Swastika tattoos on feet, Sofia Hayat explains why she do this

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Television actress and Ex-Bigg Boss contestant Sofia Hayat who turned into a nun few months back was recently in the news for getting inked Swastika tattoos on her feet.

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Soon after she posted the picture on social media, angry comments filled her timeline. Religious sentiments were hurt and her explanation, again posted on social media. my last photo was me having tatoos on my feet…the sacred swastika..found on the feet of BUDDHA.. the sacred .. eternal..self existence..the star of David..the Islamic moon..universal manifestation..the Sun..hindu swastika..ancient christian encompasses the all..the power of the universe at my feet so to at yours..wake up..we are one! A symbol is just a symbol and it is the intent that makes the difference. A scalpel in the hands of a surgeon is a tool in his profession can save a life; while in the hands of a perpetrator is unlawful possession of a weapon, in the eyes of the law, to commit a crime. In the Dahmmapada, Yamaka Vagga (The Twin Verses), Verses 1 and 2 straighten our minds and views on good and evil intentions. “Mano pubbaṅgamă mano, setthă manomayă Manasă ce padutthena, bhăsati vă katoti vă Tato naḿ dukkhamanvertĭ, cakkaḿ’va vahato padam”. (Mind is the forerunner of (all evil) states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with wicked mind, because of that suffering follows one, even as the wheel follows the hoofs of the draught-ox). “Mano pubbaňgama, mano setthă manomayă Manasă ce pasannena, bhăsti vă karoti vă Tato naḿ sukkamanveti, chăyă’va anapăynĭ”. (Mind is the forerunner of (all good) states. Mind is chief, mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with pure mind, because of that, happiness follows one, even as one’s shadow that never leaves). #templeofawakening #gaiamothersofia #spiritual #love #ayahuasca #dmt #awakening #conciousness #christ #ra #mothermary #shiva #goddessisis #auset #osiris #ra #trinity

A post shared by Sofia Hayat. (Gaia Mother) (@sofiahayat) on

People asked her to remove the picture and some of them accused her of hurting their religious sentiments.

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This is what Sofia Hayat had to say in her defense:

May those with anger know that they only do the work of the devil in their anger. May those that say unkind words know that those worda come from negative entities whether you call it an energy, the devil or anything else. The truth of your existence is so profound you would not recognise it yourself as you only believe what you have been taught, and like a chinese whisper the truth became something else. .have you been on the journey to truth?..or did you become too complacent to even try to seek it.. Sacred knowledge comes to those who have no fear or judgement..when this knowledge comes you know yourself as enlightened from the light of divinity. I am trying to tell you the truth as did my sons before me..Christ was crucified for trying to to give you this knowledge that I have who I I know him and he knows Truth will we all reunite very soon as ONE. for there is no separation of religion race or hate or is all the same..that is what I am trying so hard to show you. Come into love and you will see me..and see yourselves as true divine beings of light .. the times of the prophecy are here now..and soon you will know..The Gods..Allah..Siva..Ganesh..Krishna…all and more are here now…you will see them if you remove your hate..fear and judgement..and live only from love..turn everything to love..that is in your power..and you shall see the creator of ..The ALL..the light of divinity… in this it will shine through you. Namaste Salaam Shalom Gaia Mother Sofia

A post shared by Sofia Hayat. (Gaia Mother) (@sofiahayat) on

While talking to ABP news Sofia said in her defence “If u check my instagram many young indians are offended because I have swastika on my feet. Buddha had it on his feet. It is a symbol in all religions. I am the equal of Buddha all things came from me. I am the Goddess Sofia. There are books written about my return. I am here for humanity..The swastika is so sacred to is under my blessed whole body is my heart my feet carry me all on this earth and under my feet lies the universe. How much hate is coming from these people is so sad..if they truly have any respect or live for divine beings and teachings they would never swear or give me death threats to me. For even the ground I walk on is divine each speck of dust you are all divine. I am everything my soul is awake I am not a human flesh vehicle anymore as I have become aware of my soul. My divinity and I wish that for you all.”


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