Television actress Tinaa Datta, who recently accused co-star Mohit Malhotra of inappropriately touching her during the shooting of her latest supernatural show Daayan, has now mend differences with him.
The actress has now released a statement saying that Mohit and she have put everything behind them and are starting afresh.
Tinaa Dattaa ready to work with co-star Mohit Malhotra
She said, “Mohit and I have ironed out our differences. We have concluded to make a new start. I don’t have any issues working with him. Our on-screen chemistry works for the show and shall maintain a professional environment for the betterment of the show. I am happy that our audience has liked the show and I am sure this new start will be appreciated by all and will put a rest to any further speculation.”
The actress has earlier accused Mohit Malhotra of inappropriately touching her during filming of intimate scenes.
Talking to Pinkvilla, she said, “When we shoot a tv show there are lot of problems, big /small/ugly I have raised my issues (related to Mohit) with the production team and they have been very supportive. I am thrilled to work with Balaji after many years. I leave the issues with them to sort . thanks.
Read also:
Tinaa Datta accuses co-star Mohit Malhotra of inappropriately touching her
However, Mohit denied it and told the website, “She is my good friend and we share a cordial relationship.” When further prodded about intimate scenes, the actor claimed that there have hardly been any intimate scenes shot between the duo.