Yo Yo Honey Singh reportedly offered Rs 25 crore to tell his story!

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 ‘Yo Yo Honey Singh’ is an Indian rapper, music producer, singer and film actor. Just in a few years, he has become the highest paid musician in Bollywood. His unbeatable music has given him a strong base in bollywood. But for quite some time now, he has been absent from the limelight.

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But, recently, the singer is in the news as he was offered Rs 25 crore by a publisher. Yes, if reports are to be believed, Publishers are wooing him to pen a biography and the possibility of making it into a biopic.

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Besides his success story, the publishers are obviously looking for the musician’s tale of living with the bipolar disorder.

The source says, “The bipolar disorder that he sought treatment for will be one of the important chapters as nobody is aware of what really happened. One fine day, at the height of his stardom, the rapper just disappeared. The impact that it had on his life and how he worked towards dealt with it will be significant.”

However, there has not been any confirmation from Honey Singh.


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