Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh, who hasn’t been a part of the Team India’s recent few series, has been booked for domestic violence by former Bigg Boss contestant and sister-in-law Akanksha Sharma.
Akanksha who participated in Bigg Boss Season 10 last year has filed a case of domestic violence against her husband Zoravar Singh, mother-in-law Shabnam Singh and brother-in-law cricketer Yuvraj Singh.
According to Spotboye.com, Akanksha has refused to speak as of now and will speak on the matter after the first hearing on October 21, but her lawyer Swati Singh Malik has confirmed the development.
Speaking on the issue, Swati said: “Yes, Akanksha has filed a case of domestic violence against Yuvraj, Zoravar and their mother Shabnam.”
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Swati also said that Shabnam had recently filed a complaint against Akanksha for recovery of some jewellery in all likelihood. “This recovery could possibly be of some jewellery, it’s not of money,” she said.
Asked how Yuvraj was involved, the lawyer said: “Look, domestic violence does not mean just physical violence. It also means mental and financial torture, which can be attributed to Yuvraj. Yuvraj was a mute spectator to the suffering caused to my client by Zoravar and his mother.
“When Yuvraj and Zoravar’s mother was pressurising Akanksha to have a baby, Yuvraj too had joined in to do the same. He too told Akanksha ‘to have a baby’. He was hand-in-glove with his mother. Yuvraj would even tell her that she should obey his mother because she was the most superior person in the house. That lady is extremely dominant. Zoravar and Akanksha were at her mercy for every decision.”