16 Popular TV Actors And Their New Year Resolutions For 2017

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New Year means new beginnings, new hopes and new positivity. We all make New Year resolutions and then we just as quickly break them too! But what’s important is the thought that one puts in their resolution.

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Popular TV actors, who have been entertaining us over many years, shared their New Year plans, resolutions and things they wish to do in 2017. Here what they said!

1.Karan Patel

karan patel

My fans have been always part of my life. Love and fans in abundance. Wish better health for all. More work outs. A movie with a good production house for sure. I will follow More work and more money policy.

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2. Rashami Desai

Rashami Desai

My New Year resolution is that I won’t get affected by anything which will stop me from working and living a fulfilling life.


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