16 Popular TV Actors And Their New Year Resolutions For 2017

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15. Aishwarya Sakhuja

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Aishwarya Sakhuja 1

Not sure about New Year resolution, because every time I promise something to myself I tend to break it. But taking into consideration my beloved father’s advice, I will try and become a better person and evolve as a nicer human being. I love animals. So this year I am hoping that I will be able to adopt a new pet as a new family member.

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16. Aditi Sajwan

Aditi Sajwan

if you ask me what could be my resolution for the coming year it would be simply to live life in a beautiful and dignified manner, to try to be happy in the tiniest of things and to constantly strive for professional success. I would love to visit few exotic holiday destinations despite my difficult work schedule.


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