Abigail Pande goes topless while doing yoga, says nude is normal

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Television actress Abigail Pande who is known for her fitness regime has recently posted a topless picture while performing yoga asana.

Abigail Pande goes topless while doing yoga

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While sharing the picture, Abigail also wrote a powerful post advocating #NudeIsNormal. In the picture, she is seen doing a yoga asana by joining her hands behind her back.

In her post, Pande wrote, “My many words may not be able to express how much I appreciate what @nude_yogagirl is doing. Many of You may not resonate with her insta handle but don’t we all know how attractive headlines and titles walk you towards what a person is trying to express, do we not know that judging a book by its cover is not the ultimate climax, so yeah! Nude and yoga might not have anything in common but it’s expression together may mean world to people who experience it.”

Abigail Pande goes topless while doing yoga

Sharing that it was her friend Aashka Goradia, a yoga enthusiast herself, who motivated her to go ahead and experience it, Abigail Pande added, “I was shy and scared and fearful of taking a shot that might make me feel liberated. Only because I kept thinking what others would think, my friend and also my photographer plus bodyguard in the moment @aashkagoradia said “Abby, let go off the fear of what others think, it won’t make you feel empowered.” Just in that moment I let go off, in my mind I knew there is no watching me but me, and just in that moment I had to let go, for me. Here’s my story what’s yours? #nuedisnormal ❤”

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My many words may not be able to express how much I appreciate what @nude_yogagirl is doing. Many of You may not resonate with her insta handle but don’t we all know how attractive headlines and titles walk you towards what a person is trying to express, do we not know that judging a book by its cover is not the ultimate climax, so yeah! Nude and yoga might not have anything in common but it’s expression together may mean world to people who experience it, I was shy and scared and fearful of taking a shot that might make me feel liberated. Only because I kept thinking what others would think, my friend and also my photographer plus bodyguard in the moment @aashkagoradia said “Abby, let go off the fear of what others think, it won’t make you feel empowered.” Just in that moment I let go off, in my mind I knew there is no watching me but me, and just in that moment I had to let go, for me. Here’s my story what’s yours? #nuedisnormal ❤

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Check out some more posts of Abigail doing difficult yogasans below:

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It’s one of the biggest achievements in life, finding comfort in discomfort, peace in chaos, focus in distraction ✨✨

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Thank you @fitzuptravel for this ❤❤major Maldives missing!! #yogalove #yogapants Photo credits : OBVIOUSLY @mrinmaiparab 😘

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Abigail Pande is best known for her work in TV shows like Savdhaan India, Kya Dill Mein Hai, and Zindagi Wins.

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