Congratulations! Actress Rambha blessed with a baby boy

Here is a good news for all the fans of bollywood actress Rambha has welcomed her third child, a baby boy. The actress gave birth to child on September 23 at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Both mother and son are doing fine.

Rambha’s husband took to Instagram to share the good news with the fans.

Rambha’s husband wrote, “We are blessed with a baby boy. Born September 23rd at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Mother and Baby are fine. Regards, Inthiran.”

Few month back, the actress shares the good news of her being pregnant for the third time, flaunting her baby bump on social media in style.

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She captioned the pic as “On this very happy moment. I wish to share my happy news to all my loved ones around the world that I am pregnant with our baby number 3. showing off my pregnancy baby bump picture proudly:))I cannot express my bundles of joy. please pray for me and my family”.

Rambha got married to Indran Pathmanathan, the founder and chairman of Magickwoods, a kitchen and bathroom manufacturing firm based in Canada, on 8 April 2010, in Tirumala.

The couple are a proud parents of two children Laanya and Sasha. The actress  is now settled in Toronto with her family.

Our heartiest congratulations to the couple!

About Jyoti Nagdev

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