Nazar Written Update : Episode 7th November 2018
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Piya says to Ansh that chudail won’t has the capacity to come inside as we didnt call her. Chudail frowns at her and leaves from that point. Ansh and Piya close all windows and entryways.
Naman hears bhajan. Mohana tosses a few globules on the floor. Vedsheree says what’s going on with you? Mohana says take care of business, I will recover my forces when its morning. Shekhar says we need to hold up till at that point.
Ansh says we can leave, Piya says no she will sit tight for us, for what reason did you come here? I requested that you not come here. Ansh says I requested that you not come here as well. Piya says you are not stuck in an unfortunate situation, you can go. They see chudail making a hover outside the house. Piya says she is catching us.
Naman is strolling and ventures on knobs. Mohana says we can hear him when he continues strolling on globules. They all quietly remain on side.
Naman is strolling by them and doesn’t hear them.
Piya sees chudail making a circle and is strained. She says to Ansh that you need to go, in the event that she makes finish circle then you won’t go out as well, she is behind me. Ansh says there is time, you can accompany me.
Nazar Written Update
Naman is a close family. Mohana’s blood is going to trickle yet Vedsheree puts a hand underneath it. Naman draws close to Mohana, Avi tosses vase on other side so Naman moves towards there. Vedsheree says I need to convey napkin to stop her blood. Chitali says he can hear you, don’t go out on a limb.

Ansh is taking Piya yet Piya says you are prepared to put your life stuck in an unfortunate situation for me? prepared to pass on? Piya sees chudail gone. She takes her blade and offers it to Ansh, she says we will require it to battle chudail, gives up. She opens entryway and drives him out. She closes entryway, he says you cannot do it, open it. Piya says please clear out. She puts her hand on glass close to his. Ansh says please. Piya turns away and goes in the house. Ansh shouts for her. Ansh says I need to bring Piya out of here.
Vedsheree comes in kitchen, she discovers fluid that can influence witch to wind up stoned when light up. Chitali says I am stressed for Vedsheree. Vedsheree places fluid in light and is endeavoring to illuminate however she sees Naman coming there. He says I am visually impaired yet I have more faculties to smell, I can smell where is who, he says when I didn’t let my mom be spared then I cannot extra you. He gets her neck. Shekhar comes there and shouts. All relatives come there and drone bhajan. Naman shouts and moves from Vedsheree. He discards things. Chitali illuminates the light. Naman begins getting assaulted. Vedsheree says we need to remove Mohana from here. All leave. Naman stops Ruby and says you figure they will land you? they will murder you, simply give me Mohana’s twist and I will give your mesh back, I will spare you as well, will you encourage me? Ruby looks on.
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Sushant comes to Guru Maa and inquires as to whether Piya came here? Master Maa says she said she will look through her mom. Sushant says what? Divya is dead, someone is tricking her, Saanvi liberated greatest chudail dilruba, you and Divya gotten her with so much work and Mohana made Saanvi free her. Master Maa says witches are against chudail then for what reason did Mohana do it? Sushant says Mohana will effectively keep devik far from davansh. Sushant says Piya is stuck in an unfortunate situation. Master Maa says we don’t know whether Divya is in any condition, we will discover where is Piya.