Due to financial crisis once Kailash Kher attempt to suicide, now turns a billionaire

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It is Sufi singer Kailash Kher’s birthday today. Kailash, who gifted many songs to Bollywood with his amazing voice and style, was born in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. His father was a Kashmiri Pandit and was also interested in folk songs.

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Brought up in a musical atmosphere, from his school days, he was chanted and fascinated by music and used to listen to his father’s Indian folks songs all day. Even as a four-year-old, Kher revealed a natural musical talent and he would often impress friends and family by belting out songs with his prematurely powerful voice.

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The further path for Kailash who won everyone’s heart with his voice in childhood was not so easy. When he decided to make singing his life, his family opposed it. At the age of 14, Kher left home in search of a guru or an institution to further his musical training, and he embarked on years of classical and folk music study.

It was because he wanted to pursue his passion for music. It required him to stay in isolation. He also attended music classes and would teach the same to students for just Rs. 150 per session to maintain himself, taking care of all his personal expenses from lodging to food, plus his education and music expenses.

The year 1999 was one of the most difficult years for Kailash. His depression phase started and he even attempted to suicide once, in the beginning of the year 1999, when his business collapsed. He went to Singapore and Thailand, and stayed there for six months.


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