Shocking! Restaurant bouncers attack media personnel for taking Shilpa Shetty’s pictures

Recently, Two photographers were attacked by Bastian Hotel’s bodyguards after they clicked pictures of actress Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra at Bandra, Mumbai.

According to reports, Shilpa and Raj were spotted at the place for their dinner date. However, when they came out of the hotel, many shutterbugs started clicking their pictures.

Surprisingly, Shilpa and Raj too responded to their candid gesture and enjoyed every moment by giving poses for a perfect snap. Well, everything was going smooth, but soon after Shilpa and Raj sat in the car, the hotel’s bodyguards allegedly became furious towards photographers, identified as Sonu and Himanshu Shinde, and started pushing them away.

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The video of the alleged incident has gone viral on the social media in which it can be seen that the bodyguards are beating the photographers badly. Moreover, in this video, it can also be seen that the photographers too tried to push them back but the group of bodyguards seemed in an attacking mode. According to reports, the cameramen were injured in the attack

 Sonu and Himanshu have reportedly been badly injured in the brawl and have been hospitalised. ANI reports that an FIR has been registered and the bouncers have now been arrested.

Watch the video here:

About Jyoti Nagdev

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