Congrats! Baa Bahoo Aur Baby actress Benaf Dadachanji blessed with a baby girl

Television actress Benaf Dadachandji who is best known for playing the role of ‘Radhika’ aka ‘Baby’ in hit Star Plus show ‘Baa Bahoo Aur Baby’ welcome a baby girl with hubby Norman Lou.

Benaf Dadachanji blessed with a baby girl

 In August 2019, Benaf’s close friend Rubina Dilaik announced that Benaf is expecting her first child. However, Benaf remains tight-lipped about the same.

And now, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, Benaf finally shares the first pictures with her baby girl.

Benaf Dadachanji blessed with a baby girl

In one of the pictures, Norman is seen holding their little princess in his arms. Whereas, Benaf is posing with the father-daughter duo in another picture.

She captioned the post as, “My valentines ❤️”


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My valentines ❤️

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My 🌎 ❤️

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As soon as the actress posted the pictures, fans starts pouring congratulatory messages to the actress.

Rubina also posted few pictures with Benaf’s daughter. Check it out here:


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#happy #valentines #day 😻❤️

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#nofilter ❣️

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Benaf Dadachandji tied the knot with longtime beau Norman Hou in a private ceremony in February, last year. Norman is a chef by profession and owns a restaurant in India.

Read also:

Baa Bahoo Aur Baby actress Benaf Dadachandji is pregnant with her first child

On the work front, Benaf has appeared in TV shows like Jhansi Ki Rani, Choti Bahu 2, Byah Humari Bahu Ka to name a few. She has also been part of Bollywood filme like China Gate and Bobby Jasoos.

Our heartiest congratulations to the couple!

About Jyoti Nagdev

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