Recently, Shah Rukh Khan and his family went to Maldives for a mini-vacation. The actor was accompanied by his wife Gauri and three kids, Aryan, Suhana and AbRram.
Recently, both Gauri and Shah Rukh took to their Instagram handles to share a few glimpses from their vacacy.
Gauri Khan posted the beautiful picture of the three young Khans and wrote, “My Three Little…..😉”
In the pic, both Aryan and Suhana can be seen twinning in black t-shirts while the little munchkin AbRam Khan can be seen wearing a blue coloured t-shirt.
Gauri Khan shares an adorable picture of her kids
Shah Rukh Khan also posted a video to let everyone know about the memorable time he had and how he is feeling bad that the trip is over now.
He captioned the video as, ‘’ Feeling bad having to leave Maldives and especially all the wonderful people at Jumeirah Vittaveli. Thank u for a lovely holiday @JumeirahJV will miss u all.”
Read also:
Gauri Khan attends Sunday mass at a church with son AbRam, see pics
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan recently collaborated with son Aryan. They both lent their voice to Mufasa and Simba in the recently released ‘The Lion King’. The actor is yet to announce his next film.